Designed by HENN
The division of the site in two halves was a logical decision. The commercial west half is facing a large shopping mall, as well as a busy intersection between important avenues, one of which connects directly to the commercial Shennan Road. The residential east half is borders by residential
zones and faces the XIagmi Park in the north. Two plinths form the main commercial and residential blocks. The commercial block in the west is pushed south, to create a large public entrance
plaza. The residential ring in the east is pushed north, reducing the distance to the north park, and increasing the distance to existing buildings in the south.
該基地劃分為兩半是一個合乎邏輯的決定, 西面商業部分靠近大型購物中心, 繁忙的十字路口以及深南大道. 住宅小區東部與居民區相鄰, 北部臨近香蜜公園. 兩座裙樓形成的主要商業和住宅樓宇. 西面商業裙樓向南推進, 打造大型的公共廣場入口. 東部的住宅環北推, 接近北面公園, 遠離南面現有建築物.
The towers are placed on top of the plinth. On the west half, the highest office tower occupies the prominent northwest corner. The whole block is bordered in the south by the apartment slab. On the east half, the residential towers are placed in a staggered fashion, allowing for each tower to
have maximum views to the north.
塔樓由裙樓拔地而起, 在西半部分, 最高的辦公大樓佔據了西北角, 南 邊接壤公寓大樓. 在東半部分, 住宅樓以交錯的方式排布. 這樣允許從每個住宅樓都能最大程度地看到北面香蜜湖的景色.
program diagram vehicular and pedestrian circulation
East-West section
office facade concept
*All rights reserved to HENN